Welcome to
The Brislington Village Pre-School

St Luke's Church Hall, Church Parade, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 4LS
Free services to support children with SEND up to age four, and how to refer.
They offer a home visiting educational and support service called portage for children from birth to four years old with SEND through a referral service. They provide:
home visits for families either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the child's needs
help for families to coordinate their child's care and learning
a weekly drop in group called Rainbows for parent and carers with a child who has special educational needs and disabilities
Portage supports your child through play by:
helping you and your child learn and play together
providing targets that support your child to develop
providing ideas for play and teaching activities
supporting you in developing your knowledge about special educational needs
helping your child get ready for moving onto the next stage of their education, such as starting nursery
How to refer
They accept referrals from parents and any professionals working with the child's family.
Fill in the docEarly years portage and inclusion team referral form (doc, 130 KB).
To return the referral to us you must follow our pdfsecure email guidance (pdf, 235 KB).
Email completed applications to earlyyears.sensupport@bristol.gov.uk
If your child needs more support
If your child needs support from other professionals, your early years portage and inclusion specialist will:
help you identify the services you need
support you in accessing appropriate early education opportunities
help your child transfer to a setting by making sure the practitioners are aware of your child's needs
If you have any queries about the Early Years Portage and Inclusion Service you can email earlyyears.sensupport@bristol.gov.uk.