Welcome to
The Brislington Village Pre-School

St Luke's Church Hall, Church Parade, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 4LS
The Designated lead child Protection Officer is
Sara Pearce
The deputy child protection officer:
Christine Laing
Sara Pearce and Christine Laing have received basic, advanced and manager child protection training.
All staff have received basic child protection training. Five members of staff have received advanced child protection training.
Dear Parents/Carers
We aim to create an environment in which all children feel safe and secure.
A close partnership between home and the pre-school will help to ensure all children learn in a happy and healthy environment. Good communication is essential in achieving this!
We would like all parents/carers to attend all parent sessions, this will help us to keep you informed of your child's progress.
We want to work with you to keep all children safe and secure.
Collection from pre-school
Please inform the pre-school directly if someone different is collecting your child from pre-school, or if there are special circumstances limiting who can or cannot collect your child. If a court order is in place please provide a copy to the pre-school for our records. If we are unsure of the person collecting your child we will call you to confirm, before we release your child into their care. We do operate a password system, please speak to a member of staff to make sure our records are up-to-date.
What is safeguarding?
Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of our children and to give them the best possible start in life.
We will-
Provide a safe learning environment that builds their confidence and self-esteem;
Provide a positive and preventative curriculum that teaches and supports young children;
Work in partnership with all parents and carers;
Work in an inclusive way that helps every child;
Work in an integrated way with other agencies that maximise opportunities;
Have up to date safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance;
Have well trained staff and management.
Our aims are to:
Create an environment in our pre-school which encourages children to develop a positive self image, regardless of race, language, religion, culture or home background;
Help children to establish and sustain satisfying relationships within their families, with peers, and with other adults;
Encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence;
Protect children from maltreatment;
Prevent impairment of children’s health or development;
Ensure that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and undertake that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully;
Enable children to have the self confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches;
Work with parents to build their understanding of and commitment to the welfare of all our children;
Provide each child with a named key worker which will be parents/carers first point of contact within the setting.
Liaison with other bodies:
We work within the First Response guidelines.
We have a copy of Child Protection and Safeguarding procedure and guidance.
We notify the registration authority (Ofsted) of any incident or accident and any changes in our arrangements which affect the wellbeing of children.
We have procedures for contacting the local authority on child protection issues, to ensure that it is easy, in an emergency, for the pre-school and social services to work well together.
If a report is to be made to the authorities, we act within the guidance of First Response in deciding whether we must inform the child’s parents at the same time.
All staff are aware of the Safer Working Practice and know they can get support from outside agencies such as BAND. (Bristol Association for Neighbourhood Daycare Ltd