Welcome to
The Brislington Village Pre-School

St Luke's Church Hall, Church Parade, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 4LS
Statement of Intent
We will at The Brislington Village Pre-School provide full access to the foundation curriculum for children with special educational needs.
We aim to ensure all that any child with special educational needs has their needs met. They will be offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education at the foundation stage.
The SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) Team at The Brislington Village Pre-School is Nicola Aldridge and Melanie Malley.
Admission Arrangements
For admission arrangements, parents and carers of children with special educational needs/disabilities are invited to the pre-school to meet the staff and view the setting and facilities. At this informal meeting parents/carers and staff can discuss planning provisions that will meet the child’s special educational needs. At The Brislington Village Pre-school staff aim to work closely in partnership with parents and carers and listen to their views.
Facilities, staffing and Training
At The Brislington Village Pre-School there is disabled access and there are disabled toilets in the setting.
Staffing at The Brislington Village Pre-School
One Owner
One Setting Manager
One Room Manager
One Deputy Manager
Four Early Years practitioners
One Apprentice
One Office Manager
All staff continue their professional development. All further professional development training is recorded for each member of staff.
Curriculum Resources and the Learning Environment
The foundation stage curriculum is organised into seven areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional development;
Communication and language;
Understanding of the world;
Physical development;
Expressive arts and design.
At The Brislington Village Pre-School we have access to a wide range of curriculum resources. Well planned play is the key in which all our children with support can learn with enjoyment and challenge.
We aim to ensure that the learning environment is vibrant, purposeful, challenging and supportive to help our children develop into confident and successful learners. For all children attending The Brislington Village Pre-School we will endeavour to help them make good progress towards the early learning goals in all seven areas of learning.
Identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs
Needs will be identified and support provided as early as possible. Once it has been identified that a child has special educational needs/disabilities, the Pre-school staff will devise interventions that are additional or different from those provided as part of the setting's usual curriculum offer and strategies. This is called an Early Years Action. If the intervention does not enable the child to make satisfactory progress the SENCO may need to seek advice and support from external agencies. This is referred to as an Early Years Action Plus. Parents are informed at all stages when their child is identified as having SEN. Parents are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and understanding of their child and raise any concerns they may have about their child’s needs and the provision that is being made for them.
Links with support services other agencies and local nurseries/schools children will transfer to
The SENCO can liaise with a number of outside support agencies and Health and Social Services.
For example: Early Years Area SENCO
Early Years Inclusion service
Social Services
Speech Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Links with local infants’ schools our children may transfer to have always been strong and staff from these schools’ can visit our setting during the summer term before the children go on to the Reception year.
Complaints procedure
Any complaints regarding SEN provision will be recorded in writing and staff will endeavour to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.
Partnership with parents/carers
Parents/carers will be included at every stage to support children with SEN. Parents will be shown IEP’s and asked to sign them and given a copy for their own reference. IEP’s are regularly reviewed with parents and all information is confidential. Parents/carers will be encouraged to take an active role in supporting their child’s learning at home.
Staff are available to discuss progress or concerns at any time with parents/carers.
The DFES SEN guide for parents and carers is available on request.