Welcome to
The Brislington Village Pre-School

St Luke's Church Hall, Church Parade, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 4LS
Senco Team

Hello, my name is Nicola and I am a qualified Early Years Senco who has attended numerous training sessions including autism, ADHD, sensory learning, ODD and supporting Downs syndrome. I have worked with children for 19 years and I am a SEN parent. I attend Senco clusters with Mel to keep up to date with ongoing information within Bristol and liase with professionals to support all Sen children and staff within the setting. Myself and Mel work together with our Senco roles, however I am office based ensuring all paperwork is completed and sent off in a timely manner and Mel works directly with our Sen children supporting their needs with speech and language and through the graduated approach in support plans.
Hi, I am Mel, I have worked at Brislington Village Preschool for just over two years as a SEN support worker and the settings room Senco. I have over 12 years experience as a Senco and as a Level 3 practitioner and I have worked in various settings in this role. I work directly with the children and all staff through out the setting ensuring that strategies are put into place to enable children to learn and thrive in their own way. I work closely with Nicola and together we ensure staff are supported and trained within the setting. I have extensive knowledge in all areas of supporting children and their needs and work closely with lots of outside agencies such as SALT, BAT educational psychologists, play therapists, peadiatricians and Bristol Early Years Portage and Inclusion team. I pride and strive to be the best I can possibly be in supporting all children.